Friday, April 8, 2011

Today we start

After exchanging so many messages on the frustrating pieces of news that come out about Portugal, we decided that this needs to stop. Since yesterday that I thought of blogging about the current conditions, so today I guess I just had an incentive. We don't pretend to be better reporters, or better informed, we just pretend to write on the positive side, on all that was achieved, and even more, on the possibility of a solution. I personally do not believe we are a lost case, but I do admit frustration has been flooding me the last couple of days. I have been more and more annoyed by the attitude of lying and it being ok, the attitude of blaming others and it being ok, the attitude of denial and it still being ok. As Portuguese, we need to stop being ok with things, because the way things are is really not ok. It is not ok that we are close to "junk", it is not ok that the international world thinks we do not want any austerity measures, or have had no austerity measures, it is not ok that our PM blames one day of opposition parties vote for the billions of debt that he needs to pull together over the next 2 months. It really is not ok that people don't put their egos aside and stand up to the hard task of actually running a country full of brilliant minds but in total disbelief of what this country can bring to them. Today we start, because the way things are, is not ok!

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